Pet Euthanasia at Home

Putting Your Cat or Dog to Sleep Calmly & Peacefully at Home.

When the difficult time comes to say goodbye and put your beloved friend to sleep; we can help with a quiet, stress free, no travel euthanasia at home. We can guide you with the decision process and carry out putting your beloved pet to sleep peacefully. Stay with your pet in their final moments, and have time to say goodbye.  We offer at home end of life care & palliative care for dogs, cats and rabbits. All our dog, cat & rabbit euthanasias are assisted with sedation to alleviate any stress. Our priority is that your pet is gently put to sleep in the comfortable and dignified manner that they deserve.

Quality of Life Assessment

It is not always easy to know if the time has come to proceed with euthanasia (putting your pet to sleep) or not. This can be a very hard decision and cause anxiety. Our vets are all highly experienced and we are happy to perform a separate Palliative Care Home Assessment for your dog or cat. We will assess your concerns and evaluate your pets quality of life in their natural environment at home. We can assess how they are managing with their illness and what impact it is having on them and you. Giving you an honest evaluation of the kindest option or if treatments are available to enhance your pets quality of life.

Cremation Services

There are a number of decision to make regarding managing your dog, cat or rabbit's body after being put to sleep. Please see our pet cremation services page for further information on pet cremation options, pet crematoriums and their locations along with pet bereavement services. We work alongside a number of crematoriums and cremation service providers. Speak to us today and we can advise of the expected pet cremation costs as well manage and organise your pets cremation.

Home visit pet euthanasia estimated prices

  • House Call for Quality of Life Assessment or Palliative Care:   £167
  • Home Visit, Sedation & Euthanasia:           £296-£365

Putting Your Pet To Sleep

The decision to put your pet to sleep is not always an easy one, we understand this and strive to make it as stress-free for you and your friend as possible. You can speak to a member of our team over the phone or by email, knowing that we have your pet’s welfare at heart. Our team are all animal lovers and can empathise with the pain and difficulty that pet loss can bring. We will be supportive of you and your wishes whilst arranging a home visit vet appointment. You and your pet will be treated with the utmost dignity and respect through your experience with us. Any questions about having your dog put down, cat put to sleep or letting your rabbit go are welcome with our experienced team.


What's the process?

Once the appointment is arranged our vet comes to you for a home visit euthanasia, meaning you and your pet don’t need to travel. We will always do our best to make this at the most convenient time for you, even if that means coming out in the evening once everybody is home. You and your pet can stay where you are the most comfortable and feel safest. No more worry about getting to the vets or being in public during a difficult time, everything is carried out calmly and privately at home.

Pet Euthanasia options in your area

It’s not always possible for your vet practice to arrange a home visit for your pet to be put to sleep. We know many people prefer for this to be carried out in their homes, so we offer this service on behalf of your practice. Vets 2 Your Pets is happy to work alongside your local practices in your area and carry out a euthanasia house call on your practice’s behalf.  In many cases, we can also help with returning your pet’s body to your veterinary practice for cremation services. 

Our vet near you – in your area will be able to attend your home as a house visit to help you with the decision making and carry out putting your pet to sleep.

Palliative Care and Quality of Life assessment for your pet

It can be very difficult to know if the time has come to make the final decision or if there are further treatment options available for your beloved pet. When your pet is very unwell their mobility or size may make it impossible to get your pet to the vet practice. A house call from our vet can afford you the opportunity to have your pet’s quality of life assessed at home. The benefit of this being carried out at home is that the vet can see the environment your pet lives in and suggest any changes that may benefit them. 

Our experienced vets will be able to assess your pet’s wellbeing and address any concerns that may be worrying you. Seeing how your pet is managing at home allows us to advise and help you with the decision of when is the correct time to look at putting a pet to sleep. Our vet can advise on further treatment options or medication as appropriate, or if your pets health and quality of life has declined, we can explain this and arrange a time to proceed to euthanasia when you are ready.

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