Chemical Castration Implants for Dogs
Suprelorin Implant: Non-Surgical Castration Injection
Chemical castration or non-surgical sterilisation for male dogs is available and can be used when the more permanent options is undesired. Male dogs can be sterilised with a hormonal implant that will prevent them being able to sexually reproduce. Implants come in two strengths that will have a duration of effect of either 6 months or 12 months. Note: Male dog infertility only occurs 8 weeks after implantation.
Many dog owners have great concerns regarding how permanent surgical castration may impact on behaviour. Suprelorin Chemical Implants give the opportunity to “trail run” castration and the effects that removal of the sex hormones may have on behaviour and interactions with humans and other dogs. Chemical castration is temporary and all effects wear off after 6 or 12 months.
Chemical Castration
Chemical castration temporary and therefore a reversible procedure to ensure dogs are infertile and unable to reproduce for a defined period.
A Suprelorin Implant is a hormonal treatment that blocks the production of sex hormones.
The Implant lasts 6 or 12 months and is injected under the skin over the scruff of the neck.
Applications:- when to use a Suprelorin Implant
Chemical Castration is a temporary intervention and ideal for:
*Sterilising a male dog that lives with an entire female in a mutli-dog household.
*Trailing the behavioural effects castration will
have on a male dog.
*Temporarily sterilising a male dog that owners wish to breed from in the future.
Suprelorin Implant - Chemical Castration Costs:
Home Visit, Health Check & 6 month Implant: £312.10
Home Visit, Health Check & 12 Month Implant: £443.50
*You can also book a Suprelorin implant with your annual booster appointment, please contact us for prices.*
Dog Castration with Suprelorin Injection.
Many pet owners are concerned that neutering or castration could be harmful to their dogs. Suprelorin now provides an effective solution for pet owners who want to see the effects of castration without having to commit to a permanent surgical option.
Suprelorin / Non-Surgical castration is effective for:
- Preventing unwanted pregnancies
- Hypersexual behaviour
- Unwanted urine marking
- Unsociable behaviour and aggression
- Testosterone associated behaviours
What's the process of Chemical Castration?
Chemical castration is achieved by the injection of a hormone implant. These hormones block fertility hormone secretion, resulting in infertility.
As the procedure is non-surgical, no general anaesthetic is required. Our vet will attend to your pet at home where they are most comfortable and relaxed.
The implant is administered as an injection that is placed under the skin at the base of the neck or shoulder blades. After cleaning and sterilising the area, our vet will inject the implant under the loose skin over the shoulder blades. Pressure is maintained at the injection site for one minute to prevent any bleeding. There is no requirement for any stitches.
Due to stored sperm in the testicles, infertility arises 8 weeks after implantation.
Chemical Castration:- Uses & benefits
Not all owners want a permanent and irreversible surgical neutering for their pet dog. Suprelorin injectable implants allow:
- Trial run the effects of castration without it being permanent
- Prevent unwanted pregnancy in multi-pet households
- Temporary infertility to enable breeding at a later date
- Treatment of hormone related prostatic disease in dogs too old or sick to consider surgical castration
- Variable duration of effect: 6 or 12 Months.
- Implants can be repeated to give a longer duration of effect with no break in infertility if timed correctly
Vets 2 Your Pets have vets across the UK to administer a chemical castration implant near you. Get in touch with us today to find out more.
Potential drawbacks of chemical castration:
All medical procedures and medication can have adverse or unexpected outcomes. In the case of Suprelorin implants, the following needs to be considered;
- Return to full fertility is not guaranteed and time to return to full fertility is not exact. Infertility is delivered for a 6-12 month period and is reversible, however there is no guarantee that the dog will return to full fertility when the implant wears off
- Like surgical castration, chemical castration can lead to weight gain and changes in coat quality
- Replacing the hormone implant can be costly over time
- Chemical castration can control hormone driven behaviours, it may not address all types of aggression or behavioural problems