Veterinary Nurse Clinics at Home
Veterinary Nurse Home Visit Services.
If your pets find visiting the vet clinic stressful or you would prefer us to come to you, our Vet Nurse Clinics are just the thing. Our Nurse is able to visit and treat your dog, cat or rabbit in the comfort and convenience of your home.
Nursing Services
Nail Clips
We understand the difficulty owners can have when it comes to cutting their pet’s nails. For Registered Veterinary Nurses this is a skill they use almost daily. Let us take the stress out of nail clipping for you.
External Anal Glands Expression
A microchip is approximately the size of a grain of rice and is a form of permanent identification. The microchip is placed under the skin, usually between the shoulder blades. It contains a unique number this is recorded on a national database with registered keeper’s details. This allows registered animal professionals, such as Veterinary Practices and Animal Charities, to obtain the registered keeper’s details should your pet get lost.
It has been law since April 2016 that all dogs must be microchipped before 8 weeks of age. From June 2024 it will be the law that all cats over the age of 20 weeks are also microchipped. Whilst anyone who has been trained can implant a microchip, we believe veterinary professionals are best placed to carry out this service.
Tick removal
Ticks are an external parasite that can be found in many parts of the country and may carry serious diseases. Depending on your pet’s lifestyle and the areas they have access to, ticks could be an issue for them. Ticks can sometimes look like a wart to the untrained eye, and incorrect removal can lead to the head of the tick being left in your pet’s skin. If you think your pet has a tick one of our RVN’s can come to your home and safely remove it.
It can be difficult for pets, especially older pets and those with long fur, to keep their coats in good condition and knot free. Often knots appear behind ears and in armpits, it is important to make sure these knots do not become so tangled that they pull on your pet’s skin. Our RVN’s can provide a service to remove any uncomfortable matts at home.Â
Ear Cleaning
As veterinary professionals, we understand that prevention is better than cure and ear hygiene is one area we can help with at home.
Our nurses offer ear cleaning as a preventative measure, we feel this is a beneficial service to keep pets happy and healthy. If the nurse notices anything unusual whilst cleaning your pets’ ears you will be referred to a Veterinary Surgeon.
What is a Registered Veterinary Nurse?
A Registered Veterinary Nurse (RVN) is an individual who has completed a minimum of two years of training, at either a college or university. During their training they will gain practical skills and underpinning theoretical knowledge to safely care for your pets.
When you book nursing services with Vets 2 Your Pets you can be assured that the nurse visiting you is qualified and registered with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (The Veterinary Governing Body). This is a requirement for anybody wanting to use the title Registered Veterinary Nurse (RVN).
Responsible Referral Policy
If our RVN’s find anything abnormal during the visit you will be advised that your pet should see a Veterinary Surgeon. Our RVN’s will explain why they have recommended this, it may mean that your original service request cannot be completed. A local veterinary practice can be easily found with an internet search if you are not already registered somewhere.
Can’t find the service you were looking for?
If there is a service you are looking for that is not listed above, please contact us to see how we can help.