Bravecto Spot On for Dogs – All Sizes

Bravecto Spot-On Solution is an ectoparasiticide treatment for dogs that contains the active ingredient fluralaner. It is a flea and tick treatment of the isoxazoline class for dogs with a duration of effect of 12 weeks.

Bravecto contributes towards the control of the environmental flea populations due to the rapid onset of action and long lasting efficacy against adult fleas on the animal and the absence of viable egg production.

More information can be be found here: Data Sheet


Prescription Required *

This product requires a prescription to purchase. Please provide a prescription, by uploading a copy of it below, before continuing.

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Treatment type

Flea and Worm Control Products

Your Pet


Pack size

Bravecto Spot-On for Dogs 112.5mg 2-4.5KG (1 dose), Bravecto Spot-On for Dogs 250mg 4.5-10KG (1 dose), Bravecto Spot-On for Dogs 500mg 10-20KG (1 dose), Bravecto Spot-On for Dogs 1000mg 20-40KG (1 dose), Bravecto Spot-On for Dogs 14000mg 40-56KG (1 dose)

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